Being single

Its not difficult to be single on its own. What is difficult, is the people around you who make it difficult. 

I find single life liberating, i make my own choices and although i make reasonable and responsible choices. I like the fact that i can make it by myself without checking with another person.

Now what does “Single” mean in today’s times. Not much, although people do remind me how horrible it is going to be when i am old and everyone else is dead. No one will be there to take care of me. But, considering the society i live in; the possibility of me taking care of some one else even though i am old is high. Lets imagine, that i do get married and make the sacrifices that i need to make. Then in my old age instead of taking care of myself, i have to take care of my husband too. Now thats make two people burden on myself – me and my husband.

I am not trying to sound selfish, but there’s no guarantee that i ever going to live that long or that my husband will live that long. What if i died, what if he died? Life has no guarantee on its own anyways. So that reasoning of me getting married is out of the door.

Yes i am a attractive, successful and available woman. There is nothing wrong with me as such, although people say i am a bit too realistic in terms of life and mature in thought. Men say my standards are high, i say no they aren’t. i just want a decent human being, who thinks about other people, who has sympathy and good intensions. The good looks also is accountable, but i am not looking out for James Bond or anything. The comments on my single life is that i am that guy who is equivalent to gay (no offense to the gay community).

If i am honest to myself, i feel lonely at times that i should share my life with that special person. However, i haven’t found that guy in my life that i would sacrifice everything for. Maybe he i out there, maybe not. But i can only hope that he finds me soon because i cannot explain to people on why i chose to stay single for the last 4 years.